Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Star Awards (2nd show) =))
Sunday, December 16, 2007
SHOW at marina square!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Campus Yummy to my sch =D
Monday, December 10, 2007
Star Awards(1st Show) =D
Sunday, December 2, 2007
St. James car flea market
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Felicia at central =D
Today went to Central at clark quay as there is an ice skating event for the childrens from Beyond Social Services. Felicia n Nat are the guests for the event. So we went down to support them. Firstly, there is a ice skating show followed by childrens from Beyond Social Services skating wif felicia n nat. Since we got nth to do, we went to camp at felicia's car n talk cock while waiting for felicia. haha ^^ Then ard 6.15 felicia came to the carpark n saw a few of the pandas cleaning her car. she was like *stunt* lols. then we took group photo n some brought mags for feli to sign. then feli gtg liao i ask her to take a picture whereby she can only afford 1. so i took but i neglect the rest as they did not get a chance to take photo wif felicia. i feel so ps. sry to all the pandas at the carpark just now -.-" ...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
gxl 4th, 5th, 6th match...
5th was an interesting one. It was a 3hr game. we vs Team Vertex. It was a easy game for us at 1st. we can win the game. Team vertex tried pushing n got cleared by us. 3 of our heros went roshan to get aegs before pushing. but wif our mistake without seeing them buying out their heros, they cleared our 3 heros at roshan and pushed mid n btm rax. we left wif 1 rax n we def that 2 rax for 1hr 30mins as our sf is imba. during abt 2hr 30mins thru the game they finally cleared our top rax wif separate lane pushing. we defend MEGA CREEPS for the next 30mins n they won us. SF got cs of 1000 plus -.- its my 1st time plying such a long game n lost, disappointed =(
6th match we won Team SWG wif walkover as Team SWG was inactive...
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Ice Skating wif Feli =D
Monday, November 19, 2007
My Erjie's Wedding =D