Today dun haf tickets to star awards, so i watched at home. at home cheered n called for felicia. Felicia won top 10!!! thats so cool. gratz =D was so gan jiong when felicia did not appear in the top 5 of the list. she was the 6th person receiving the award. sign of relief when her name was being called. after the show, i went to find kelvin, delphine, vincent n the rest as they went to eat their dinner. they were shouting n cheering for felicia during the show at the studio wif empty stomach. poor thing. but its still worth as fel won top 10. after they taken their dinner. we went back to rg(radio gate) to wait for felicia. abt 5mins, felicia came out n thank us etc.. took photos chat abit n we went home. happy for fel =D
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