Ytd went for star search(1st show). was lucky enuff to be balloted. i was so excited as this is my 1st time entering mediacorp theatre. reached there at 4.15pm n wait for the other members. after that we all went to queue at the carpark in front of the theatre n waited for 1hr 30mins before proceeding into the theatre. chatted wif darren to kill time lol. when we went into the theatre, we sat at the right corner facing stage. took out our whistle n prepare ourself to cheer for fel =D finally the show started at 7pm. when we saw fel standing on the 1st row wif the other 6 princesses, we blowed our whistle as loud as we could. fel were looking for us so we shouted "fengling" for her. she smiled at us. after all the actors n actresses proceed to their seats, the show started. theres interval for commercial break. at the same time a break for us to go toilet etc. out of the whole show, fel won onscreen sweetheart!!! grats!!! i mailed 8 voting slips for her. proud of her, happy for her =D when the show ended, we went to radio gate n waited for her. she came out quite late but its worth afterall. quite a no. of ppl crowd ard her so it was hard for us to communicate to her. but she kept thanking us for voting for her. then i at there holding camera n stoned coz too many ppl. then fel noticed me at there stoning, she asked me wan take a foto wif her? i say yes n ask if i can coz if i take then others no chance. she said can but just 1 photo. im satisfied already lols. next week will be the normal star awards which took place every year. sad to say i am unable to go as i went ytd already. must gif others a chance. so can only stay at home to support fel. fel will win the top 10!!! =D